Theorie de ma Connaissance

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Randomness & Silence. The Inquisitor & The Anarchist. In a time-space continuum, spinning a warped reality. Relativity and Authenticity. Authentique mais pas vrai. Esprit. L'existence ou l'essence.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When i think of random thought i think of random things. Fair enough. that makes sense. we hope. So where do i begin to end or perhaps begin to begin. We begin to end.. live to die and and strive to what? not so smart then are we?

It's this thing i have on strife. it just bothers me like a little pest. No matter the 'quantity of philosophy' that i associate with my motivation it comes down to a pretty basic thing really. the need to survive. and then we make these distinctions between existing and living and surviving and thriving and as many 'ivings' and 'ovings' or simple 'ings' that we like. It all seems pretty useless. Its rather wonderful, run thousands of miles away form your home but once you return home - the net displacement is zero. There's a lot here with displacement. it applies to me, to life, to everything that surrounds me and to the nothing around me. is there or isn't there? This comes with the territory does it not. i'm not sure where i'm going with...well i am but its that language problem again so we'll wait. Later.

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